
Run the following command-line train to train a model:

sleepless train -vv <dataset> <model> -o <path/to/output_folder>

Replace <dataset> and <model> by the appropriate configuration files.

Pytorch Model#

To train a pytorch model, use the command-line interface (CLI) application sleepless train, available on your prompt. To use this CLI, you must define the input dataset that will be used to train, as well as the type of model that will be trained and its parameters (See examples in Preset Configurations). An output path must be also defined, where the model weights and the training data will be stored. You may issue sleepless train --help for a help message containing more detailed instructions.


We strongly advice training with a GPU (using “cuda:0”). Depending on the available GPU memory you might have to adjust your batch size.


To train Chambon CNN on the sc-edf dataset:

sleepless train -vv sc_filtered chambon -o <path/to/output_folder>