
Sleep-EDF (expanded) dataset for sleep analysis.

The database includes 197 all night PSGs recording in 2 subsets (SC and ST):

ST contains 44 PSG (9-hours-night) of 22 Caucasian (between 18-79 years old), healthy (without medication) but with difficulty to fall asleep.

SC contains 153 PSG (20 hours) of 78 Caucasian (between 25-101 years old), healthy (without medication)

  • Reference: [SLEEP_EDF-2018]

  • Protocol st-unfiltered:

    • Train split: 28 (from ST subset)

    • Validation split: 8 (from ST subset)

    • Test split: 8 (from ST subset)

from . import raw

dataset = raw.subsets("st-unfiltered")

dataset_as_test = {
    "edf_st_unfil_train": dataset["train"],
    "edf_st_unfil_validation": dataset["validation"],
    "edf_st_unfil_test": dataset["test"],